
If you use Yahoo Mail Beta, and compose a new mail, there is actually something quite fun you could try.

When sending out an email, click on the ‘subject’ button (like you would click on ‘To’ or ‘CC’ button for the address book to come up).

They actually programmed some funny sentences for the subject titles! I think they call it Subjec-O-Matique.

I sent one email to CJ just now with the title ‘Shaolin Golden Palm!’

Some others I like –

‘Orange Mocha Frappachino!’ – From Zoolander! *winks at Lovey

‘As a boy I used to weep in barber shops’

‘How was tomorrow? I think you know what I mean.’

‘Todd! Do you not know that I get farty and bloaty when I have a foamy latte?!’ – Is this Zoolander as well??

‘All your platypus are belong to us.’

‘Save the whales! Collect the whole set!’

‘I’m NOT fat…that’s my money belt’

I could go on…

Hm, uneasy feeling in my stomach. I think too much?! I hate the feeling of losing friends. It is difficult for me to retain friends, I don’t know why.

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